Season 2 of the 9/11 Memorial and Museum’s podcast, Our City. Our Story. A show that tells the oral histories of what happened in the lives of notable New Yorkers on 9/11. Check out this cool interactive map with links to each episode.

Musonomics is podcast from NYU’s Larry Miller on the business side of the music and culture industries, with a focus on storytelling and analysis. For 15 episodes I served as the Senior Producer and was responsible for all editorial duties. The show can be found on Apple Podcasts or Soundcloud.

Other Radio for NYU

My final radio piece for NYU, Spring 2014. This piece includes a slideshow of images from my family photo archive and an open source archive of military photos from Alaska.


Does geography still matter in Hip Hop? Who's winning the East Coast or the West Coast? Does anybody still care?


We’ve all ordered take out or delivery before. We pick up the phone, call in the order, and we sit and wait, salivating. But how often do we think about who is on the other end of the phone? What’s it like to take phone orders all night long?


The sounds of an afternoon spent skating in Bushwick, Brooklyn.